CRT Forward
The UCLA School of Law Critical Race Studies Program (CRS) launched CRT Forward, an initiative to address the current attacks on Critical Race Theory (CRT) while also highlighting the past, present and future contributions of the theory.
The CRT Forward Tracking Project concluded its data collection efforts on December 31, 2024. While no additional data will be collected beyond this date, the Project’s existing resources and analyses remain available for reference and continued use.
CRT Forward
Since September 2020, a total of 249 local, state, and federal government entities across the United States have introduced 870 anti-Critical Race Theory bills, resolutions, executive orders, opinion letters, statements, and other measures.
The dataset can be downloaded at the following link: To access the dataset, scroll down to ‘Anti-Critical Race Theory Measures (by multiple geographic levels)’ and follow the prompts to create an IPUMS account.
CRT Forward Tracking Project
A critical component of CRT Forward, the Tracking Project tracks, identifies, and analyzes measures aimed at restricting access to truthful information about race and systemic racism. These anti-CRT measures are captured across all levels of government and displayed on an interactive map.
See all actions on the mapHow to explore the data
In the video, CRT Forward Project Director Taifha Natalee Alexander explains how to navigate the data by activating filters to demonstrate national trends, compare state level anti-CRT measures, and identify specific anti-CRT measures at the local level.